This was the first week of Season of the Lost! The first couple of weeks of any season for me are primarily about (1) trying out new things; and (2) levelling up. I played a lot of the new activities and enjoyed them, and posted my initial thoughts yesterday. Beyond that it was all about levelling.
Levelling in Destiny 2 can be a frustrating experience, because (1) the most efficient ways to do it often requires doing specific things in a specific order and of those things require a fireteam you either need to have people ready to play when you are, LFG, or wait; and (2) you are at the mercy of RNG for drops. For example, at one point I needed a powerful helmet on one character and got three cloaks out of four powerful drops (the fourth was also not a helmet).
That said, at this point in Destiny 2 levelling has limited purposes:
- Levelling matters in iron banner and trials, but with the cap at 1330 and artifact levelling not mattering, you are ok pretty much as soon as you get to 1321 (i.e., one level).
- Levelling matters for Master Nightfalls and Lost Sectors, which are at 1350.
- Levelling matters for Master VoG which is now 1360.
- Levelling will matter when they bring back Grandmaster Nightfalls in October (will need to be 1345.)
And that’s pretty much it. With artifact I’m well into the 1330s so I have no levelling issues, and I expect that with any reasonable RNG I will be at 1330 or close on at least one character by the end of next week.
In addition to levelling my priorities are to get the new exotics and try out the new guns. I used the Legend lost sectors to get all of the new exotics, though the only one I really tried was Nothing Manacles. I also ran a lot of strikes to try to get the ritual rocket launcher but am not quite at level 16 yet. Crucible took a back seat to PvE this week.
Iron Banner is coming this week with the opportunity for four extra pinnacles and so this week will be a lot more Crucible focused. I’ll also be trying to manage the power grind to level up my characters as quickly as possible, while trying out whatever new things come up (I expect a different shattered realm, and I’m hoping for a change to the seasonal activity). I’m also keeping an eye on all of the seasonal triumphs to look for opportunities to get those.
It’s a great time to be playing Destiny, the biggest risk is overdoing it.
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