Earlier this week, dmg04, one of the Destiny Community Managers at Bungie, tweeted out a thread that started with this tweet:

I’m pretty pleased to see this expressed by someone at Bungie, because it is not something that is obvious from online discussions about Destiny 2.  I love Destiny and I love to talk about Destiny, so I’ve participated in a lot of public and private discussions about the game.  And I’ve come to realize that the game is vast enough and deep enough that many people play differently than I do.

Here are some differences in the way people play, both well-known and obscure:

  • PvE main vs PvP main:  The granddaddy of them all, because many players who primarily play PvE dislike PvP and many PvP mains look down on PvE players.
  • Loadout perfecter vs Dabbler:  Some players like to find the best weapon in each slot for them and then use those weapons almost exclusively.  Some players like to use different weapons as the mood strikes.
  • Social vs. Solo:  Some players play primarily alone; some players play with others as much as possible.
  • Armor is fashion vs Armor is stats:  Some players care primarily about the look of their character’s armor.  Some care primarily about the stats the armor provides.
  • One class vs. Three classes:  Some players play exclusively or primarily on one of the classes.  Some players play each of the three classes more or less equally.
  • Enjoys difficult content vs. Doesn’t enjoy difficult content:  Some players really like to be challenged by the game.  For others the learning curve on some content is so steep that it is not enjoyable for them.
  • Loot driven vs. Experience driven:  For some players a major part of the enjoyment is acquiring a sought-after piece of loot.  For others the loot is secondary to whether the gameplay itself is enjoyable.

I’m sure there are many more I could list, and of course these are not binary (all players love loot, for example, and all players change weapons sometimes).  But it bears keeping in mind if you discuss the game with others or even just pay attention to the Destiny Discourse that other players will likely have different desires and opinions that you do if they don’t play like you play.

I’m a PvE main that loves PvP, and a loadout dabbler.  For me, armor is more stats than fashion.  I play and love all three classes.  I enjoy difficult content.  I prefer playing with friends though the majority of my time is solo play.  I am more experience driven than loot driven:  I can only “farm” for so long because I don’t enjoy doing the same thing over and over even in pursuit of tasty loot.  On the other hand I can enjoy playing PvP for hours with basically minimal rewards.

What kind of Destiny player are you?